Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Follower of Rules

Follower of Rules

I’m a follower of the rules

or at least I make it seem like I do

I satisfy expectations

but only as much as I need to

I’m a high achiever

I stoop low to get what I want

I work hard and do everything promptly

try my best to do the bare minimum

I’m happy

to waste time

I’m a confident, intelligent person

perhaps in some wonderland

I am optimistic

about nothing

trudging through life

trudging through lies


  1. This poem is really amazing, I am sad that I couldn't hear it presented out loud. I love the idea and how you played back and forth between what people expect of us when we meet expectations, and what really happens sometimes.

  2. This is a really interesting poem and I feel like I can relate to it in a small way. Your poem is heartfelt and very well written.

  3. It's amazing poem. Short but it's very interesting and powerful.


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