Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I Should Have Learned Not to Take Injuries Lightly

Injuries come in many different ways
But I like to separate them into two groups:
Small injuries and big injuries
With small injuries,
I cry
I can get stung by a wasp
I can get a papercut
I can flip a nail
And I’d still feel more pain than when something’s serious
I got half my pinkie’s nail chewn up,
bleeding for some time
I vasovagaled several times,
the lack of blood not painful
I’m even developing a scar,
because I accidentally hit my shin against a metal bench too hard
You should’ve seen it
It turned blue and purple right away,
right around the pitted dent in my skin
I hope the scar it leaves is better than my ex-dad’s!
I know these things should hurt,
but they don’t
and I know I shouldn’t be happy about it,
especially with more injuries or problems to come
So, I’ll try to take big injuries seriously,
and the small injuries mindfully


  1. I really enjoyed your poem. It separates small injuries(physical) from big injuries(mental/emotional). I would think that this poem will help many people support others when they are in trouble/bullied.

  2. I really liked your poem. I liked the wording of the poem and how you described the big and small injuries.

  3. This was sad but many others are too and don't feel alone. Overall this was a good poem!


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