Shredded Love
To be or to not be
Everybody makes mistakes
especially me
you are always there to erase it
no matter how big or small
no matter what
we were just meant to be together
so you just came along with me
then whenever i need you we just take turns
we shall be bonded forever by a metal ring
our relationship will never break
but when you get used and crumble away
I will not be the same without you
after the days go by, I get sharpened and used
until we are no more
kids tear you to shreds
They think that it is the whole point
no one cares about us
they just use pens
our relationship is losing its point
pens can go on forever and ever
when pencils get used up, they get thrown away
but when pens get used up, they just replace the ink.
not only that
pencils only come in gray and yellow
pens come in many different colors
red, green, blue, and even purple!
pens don’t make mistakes
for they are perfect
nothing can erase them
there is a reason it is called penmanship and not pencilmanship
I really like the last line from your poem "there is a reason it is called penmanship and not pencilmanship." And the love between an eraser and a pencil.