Friday, February 12, 2016

Looking Downhill

Love is like being alone in the dark
Like trying not to move while a bee rests on your finger
Like skiing for the first time
Staring at the end of the trail miles below you
Where all you can see is a sea of dots and a forest of trees
Or even like giving a speech
Love can be scary and hard to deal with

Love is like a roller coaster
It has many thrills
As well as its twists and turns
One day, love will be good
But it is like a ticking bomb
Ready to explode at any second
To fill you with unexpected surprises
And the next day, it will leave you empty inside
Shaken and unwilling to ever have anything to do with love again

Then love requires you
To unpause the game and keep on trying
To be patient enough to piece together the shards of your heart that love has scattered
To be tenacious like a dog fighting for its toy
To take that one mighty and daring step

And you will speed faster and faster
Down the snow covered hill
To another carefree world
In part of a blissful dream.


  1. I really liked the descriptiveness of how you compared love to looking down a hill, it's a really good metaphor that is totally un-cliche

  2. I really like how you described love as looking downhill. You describe love as a difficult thing that people go through.

  3. I really like the phrase "...unpause the game", as it is a unique way to describe something that I have never heard of before. Great job!

  4. The words you use to describe your feelings are extremely poetic and accurate, which adds to the effectiveness overall.

  5. I liked how KEVIN GAO used similes and metaphors to relate love with many fears in life. These helped emphasize the point, and create analogies between the subjects.


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