Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Act 1, Scene 1: Everyone is Emotional?

Gregory: Why do you want to start a fight so badly?

Tybalt: Why did you refuse to help Benvolio break up the fight between Gregory and Abram?

Prince: How long have you been enduring the fighting between the Capulets and the Montagues?

Citizens: Are you not tired of all the constant fighting between the Capulets and Montagues like the prince?

Romeo: Have you always fallen in love so quickly and wholeheartedly?


  1. I wonder how the citizens are involved in the fights.

  2. This is very good! Maybe on Romeo you could use the word "stubbornly" with his feelings of love.

  3. I want to start a fight because the other house sucks, obviously.
    Romeo is a total drama queen, so I would think that his sudden falling in love is not often, but not unexpected.


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