Monday, May 9, 2016

Act I Scene 5: Sudden Changes... of the Heart?

Romeo - What made you fall in love you with Juliet all of a sudden and completely forget Rosaline?                  Was it because of her looks?
Juliet - How did you end up falling in love with Romeo at the party? I mean, all he did was say some             poetic words and that's it. That's how to win over your heart? Then again, you are only 13...
Tybalt - What is your deal with Romeo specifically? Is it because he is the son of Montague or did                   something happen between you both that makes you specifically angry at him? Was it                         because he was hitting on your cousin or just because he came to the party or what?
Lord Capulet - Even though Romeo wasn't technically doing anything bad during your party, why did                         you even allow him in there if he is the son of your enemy? I get that you were trying                           to be a gracious host and all, but still, you should've at least had some guards tell him                           to leave or else, or something like that, since Tybalt did have a point.
Nurse - Why does you not start to panic or anything when you find out that Romeo was a Montague                AND he had kissed Juliet, the daughter of Capulet? She should've at least told someone of                    Romeo and Juliet's kiss or possible feelings to one another.

1 comment:

  1. I think Romeo fell in love with Juliet largely due to her looks. She is supposed to be quite beautiful, and at that time, beauty was a very large part in a man finding a wife.
    I think Juliet fell in love with him out of pure exhilaration and excitement. She wasn't too keen on Paris, so when a handsome and well spoken young man showed up and kissed her, she fell in love with the idea of him rather than him as a person.


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