Monday, May 9, 2016

Act 2 Scene 2

Act 2 Scene 2: What's the hurry to marry Juliet?
Romeo: Why do you swear by marriage when you guys only meet for about 2 hours?  An hour before meeting Juliet, you said that you where heartbroken with Rosaline, then all of a sudden you say that you love Juliet. I don't think that it is called "love" if you just love her for her looks.
Juliet: Why do you make Romeo run back to the balcony? You do realize that if he falls, then he could die, right? Why are you acting so spoiled? You push your father to the limits, not to mention that your words/commands could potentially kill Romeo(although we already know how everything will turn out).
Capulet: Why you hate Montague so much? He is also looking out for the sake of his son, and also also how come the Capulet's people are trying to start a fight whenever possible with the Montague. They didn't do anything wrong, yet they just try to start a fight?!? Lord Capulet you try to fix something about this. Also what is with your mood swings, it is way too sudden.
Nurse: You need to take a chill pill. Also why were you so carefree during the party, then get anxious when Juliet runs away for a couple of minutes? Shouldn't you worry about Juliet when she was on the dance floor? There were hundreds of people, and there might be a person that is trying to get rid of the Capulet family. Shouldn't your focus during the time be on Juliet who she was meet with?


  1. I also agree how it's just simply crazy when Romeo and Juliet are already talking marriage when it hasn't been that long since they have known each other

  2. I like how your thinking are kind of sarcastic! You asked the same questions that I was wondering.


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